Robot mascot costume


Here is the robot mascot costume we produced for an ad campaign. We worked with Demonstrat8 the storydoing agency to bring this amazing retro style robot to life for Engie energy. The robot (and bear we also produced ) were part of an Engie campaign where objects came to life.

The robot’s head and body was made from plastazote foam structured components, and covered in metallic vinyls to create a metal robotic look. He has great movement in his arms and legs and a cube style body, like the traditional wind up retro robot. Vision is through the large circular light up effect eyes and gauze panelled smile too. He has sublimation printed buttons and Engie logo panels on his front, as every good robot has, and claw like robot hands.

If you need a robot or sci-fi character for your campaign, promotion, or show, get in touch with us today and we can talk about designing and prototyping your own out of this world design.