Boofle Character Costume

Boofle is a Plush knitted Dog, designed by respected card and gift designer David Blake in 2007. The cute and cuddly figurehead of the gift market, Boofle’s popularity has meant that he can be seen on everything from gifts to food, and now even has his own app.

PLEASE NOTE: This specific costume is not for sale or hire. It is subject to copyright and is here for your inspiration only.


Boofle came to be when Nanny took Grandad’s old, worn sweater that he loved so dearly and decided to make it into something else. As she sewed through the evening, the material began to take shape and Boofle was born. He was everything a cuddly toy should be; kind, caring, soft and a best friend to all the children.

Boofle’s fabric has been specifically knitted to give that extra special and authentic look.